domingo, junio 06, 2021

"Disturbing the peace" Author: Václav Havel (Ed: Vintage)

 An interesting book to read, in these times when some organizations, individual or political parties with daring and encouraging support of mass media tend to down grade the dangers of dictatorships or one mindset allowed from a given side of the political spectrum, which always tends to be the same political side... the left one.

 The book in an interview depicts a life of V.Havel in search of his owns possibilities within the grapple of the communist dictatorship in Czechoslovakia, it's difficult to follow some times for me as spaniard not acquainted with Czech Rep. history, but anyhow interesting to see how is it possible to fight and prevail the communist dictatorship and its effects. 

 V.Havel as many others opposed to the soviet invasion during the Prague Spring in 1.968, and had to pay a high price for it, that nonetheless allowed him to reach the presidency of Czechoslovakia and peacefully arrange the separation of both countries.

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