Some 75.000 Taliban terrorists have conquered again Afghanistan over aprox. 335.000 regular afghan soldiers equipped and trained by western democracies ... after some 20 years trying to bring western values into afghan society.
Some 70 years ago the world joined to fight Nazi dictatorship in EU until the very end, since then Vietnam, N.Corea, Iraq, Iran, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Cuba,... the world has decided it is no longer needed to fight evil forces around the globe, and just fooling around with some intel reports will suffice to contain the damage these forces are ready to cause... I do sincerely hope that we do not have to regret (not only USA, but also European allies) such a foolish behaviour with natural born terrorists and dictators.
All my best wishes for the Afghan people which will have to endure such a terrific and disgusting dictatorship, hope the western leaders recover again their senses and very soon kick out of power the Tailban gang.
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