domingo, julio 21, 2019

"Alpha Project Managers" Author: A.Crowe (Ed:Velociteach Press )

One does not need to expend so much money in 194 pages of double spaced and 3 cm margin in each side for the basics of project management without any single or meaningful proposal how to deal with it.

According to the information in the book, it is the extract of the "wisdom" of the top 2% project managers (customers, and stakeholders) of a given study made by some company. The wisdom of those so called Alpha project managers summarizes to :
  • Working for an organization with praises project management it better for project managers
  • Prioritizing and plannig is a key element for the success of a project.
  • Controlling communication and its effects inside and outside the organization ( the stakeholders )
  • Conflict management
  • Leadership
  • ...
no need for it.

martes, julio 09, 2019

"To Sell is Human" Author:D.Pink ( Ed: Canongate )

Selling in a broad sense is probably one of the most difficult aspect to master in our lives. Selling requires of  a good knowledge of oneself in order to improve your weakness and better "knowledge" of the person we are dealing with. 

As D.Pink says somehow we are living from selling something, product, our knowledge, our services ... The author presents a proposal how to deal with the different aspects of the selling process (Attunement, Buoyancy and Clarity), the examples are clear and explicit, some training examples are provided  in order to launch some personal improvement actions.

A book to have around  and take a look from time to time in order to refresh the concepts.