sábado, abril 06, 2019

"The Art of Learning" Author : J.Waitzkin ( Ed: Free Press )

 I first knew of J.Waitzkin with the film "Searching for Bobby Fischer", a very interesting film about a talented kid who develops an amazing start of a chess player career ... 

 Later on I had the opportunity to know about J.Waitzkin's book "The art of learning" but for different reasons, which now I don't remember, never found the time to get to read the book.

 Finally I have "found" the book and the time to read it, which by all means has been a pretty interesting experience. The book narrates the path of J.W. to a world championship of chinese martial arts, and how along this path the process of learning and improving is incorporated.

 I  find the part about the fightings somewhat long, but I like the description the learning process and how learning is described as a never ending process which requires being personally involved, being continually adapted in order to achieve optimal performance. I think this book should be a must, in these times where everywhere is everything fast and easy going with minimal time for reflection and analysis.

 Concepts such as investing in loss, loosing to win, small circles, using adversity... are great tools in the learning process.

 Definitely a book to come back from time to time and refresh some concepts.

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